WRHA’s Accessibility Plan – We need your input!
The WRHA’s Accessibility Plan was adopted in 2016 and is due to be updated. They are seeking input on the accessibility challenges and barriers that Manitobans who are using the health care system still face. The survey below will inform their 2019-2021 Accessibility Plan and help determine the WRHA’s priorities for improving access for all. The survey is available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7NLSMRW (English) and https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7NQW82W (French). It is also available in other formats upon request. If you would like to request alternative formats, please call (204) 296-7825 or request by email at ClientRelations@wrha.mb.ca. The survey will remain open until September 30, 2018.
On a related note, we are working with End Homelessness Winnipeg, Main Street Project and an advisory committee of community groups and government representatives to update Main Street Project’s 2011 Street Health Report:
[PDF]2011 The Winnipeg Street Health Report – The Homeless Hub
This is another community research based project much like the Winnipeg Street Census. It is a much more extensive survey though that is looking to focus on the physical and mental health status of people experiencing homelessness, how they use health care and social services and their experiences accessing these systems. The goal is to help the WRHA (the project’s main funder) to better understand and meet their needs. Over 500 people will be surveyed for the research with each receiving a small honorarium for their time and willingness to share their stories. It is their generosity in sharing sometimes very tragic histories that should allow us all to take a hard look at how and what services we are providing and their effectiveness.
If you are interested in where and when the surveys are happening, both EHW and SPCW websites regularly post updated schedules and you can also check out our FB. Look for the full report in early 2019!
Kate Kehler,
Executive Director