WRHA’s Accessibility Plan – We need your input!The WRHA’s Accessibility Plan was adopted in 2016 and is due to be updated. They are seeking input on the accessibility challenges and barriers that Manitobans who are using the health care system still face. The survey below will inform … Continue reading → Please join us in welcoming Oke Ojekudo, our new Office and Communications Coordinator!We had well over 200 applications for this critical role at SPCW. We are so excited (and relieved) to have found Oke! Oke completed her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Manitoba, where she learned to appreciate progressive approaches … Continue reading → Province paying less to low-income families through Manitoba Child BenefitPlanned user fees at Diversity Gardens draw protestersOurWinnipeg Consultation ReportThe City of Winnipeg is currently reviewing and updating OurWinnipeg, the City’s long range plan that provides a vision and policies that influence the delivery of City services, how we get around the city, and decisions about how the city grows. As … Continue reading → Winnipeg City Council approves 2018 budget, includes bus fare and parking hikesTransit UpdateWe were extremely disappointed in Council’s decision to go ahead and raise Winnipeg Transit fares rather than finding the resources to make up for the shortfall created by the province deciding to pull out of the 50/50 funding agreement elsewhere. … Continue reading → MEDIA RELEASE: Rally for TransitFor Immediate Release Monday, December 11, 2017 Noon Rally for Transit As City Council continues budget deliberations, with a potential vote as early as tomorrow, a coalition representing over 100 community organizations, many serving Winnipeg’s most vulnerable, came together … Continue reading → Community groups hold rally to protest Transit fare hikeTransit protesters hoping to see 25-cent fare hike removed from Winnipeg budget |